Eric Romero
Painter. Philosopher.
My work explores the relationship between myth, philosophy, and culture. With influences of the people and history of the southwest, new insights are distilled from both opaque and transparent structures. I have been fascinated by the ephemeral nature of the mind. What starts out as a vision soon becomes a manifesto to pay homage to the power and strength of our cross-cultural heritage. Leaving a sense of what has been, the inevitability of a new reality, and the metamorphosis of culture and identity.
Born and raised under the New Mexican sun, Romero draws inspiration from the Land of Enchantment. His allegorical figurative paintings echo the Old Masters in technique and methodology. Catholicism, mythology, and the New Mexican social landscape have influenced his oil paintings to tell a rich story of history, culture, and mysticism. Working in the medium of oil, he tirelessly and painstakingly pays close attention to detail within the paintings and often paints hidden symbology within the composition. Self-taught artist, his paintings have a feeling of mannerism combining bold color with metaphorical imagery.