Graphic Artist. Painter.
At the heart of Cōllette’s artistic practice is the weaving of her life experiences, her identity as a Xicana of Indigenous descent, and her home
in the Chihuahuan Desert. The rural landscape of New Mexico, in which she grew up, provided miles of desert and open country to roam. The eclectic blend of flora and fauna that thrived in that environment had a powerful influence on her. This sacred relationship with nature is strongly reflected throughout Cōllette’s various bodies of work. Subjects of her visual narratives are imbued with a suprahuman mythos, inviting the viewer to experience the natural world with reverence and joy.
With an emphasis in Graphic Arts, my themes are executed in various mediums: digital illustration, printmaking, painting, and public art. Crisp lines, meticulous detail, and rich color are characteristic of my style. I begin illustrating my images digitally using Adobe Illustrator. Once the artwork is complete, it is applied to either wood, paper, cloth, or apparel by way of painting, screen-printing, or linoleum block printing. I often paint over the screen-printed image using acrylics which adds texture and a handmade aesthetic.